Hubby : Bullshit. It's clean as!
Wife : I think you need to put your glasses on and go have a look!
Hubby : Well, it's quite clean for me. Anyway a bit tired now, just clean it tmrw?
Wife : What if you don't clean it tmrw?
Hubby : I'll quit my beer.
Wife : Yeah right. I'll hold you to that.
Hubby : Whatever! Go do your own stuff and stop annoying me.
Wife : Oh and the pipe in the showering room is a bit stuck.
Hubby : You can do that one. Make yourself useful.
Wife : Men's job!
太太 : 你去把馬桶刷一刷好嗎? 一個禮拜下來髒得要命!
先生 : 亂講! 明明就超乾淨的!
太太 : 我覺得你應該戴上眼鏡去看個仔細!
先生 : 怎麼講... 對我來說蠻乾淨的啊. 總之我累了... 明天再去刷行嗎?
太太 : 如果你明天沒去刷咧?
先生: 那我就把啤酒戒掉
太太 : 最好是這樣. 我會記住你說過的這句話
先生 : 隨便啦! 總之你快去忙你的別來煩我了
太太 : 噢還有那淋浴間的水管有點塞住了
先生 : 那個你去弄就好啦! 試著讓自己有用些
太太 : 那是男人的工作!